Cole County R-I School District

Basic Information

Address: 13600 Route C Russellville, MO 65074
Phone Number: 573-782-3313
Superintendent: Jerry Hobbs

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Member Schools: Cole R-1 High School. Cole R-1 Middle School, and Cole R-1 Elementary School
Board of Directors: William Kautsch, Randy Koestner, Mike Bungart, Mark Thompson, Doug Morrow, Jim Campbell, and Kris Kirchner
Mission Statement:

Our Mission...
Our mission is to educate all students and develop the foundation of tomorrow's community by expecting excellence today.

Accreditation and Recognition: Distinction in Performance Award Winner
Belief Statements:

Our Vision...
Cole R-1 is a partnership of staff, parents, students, and community with a vision of...

A school in which all students are challenged and empowered to achieve success through effort and hard work.
A school environment that is safe, respectful and engaging for all students and staff members.
A school where students practice problem solving and critical thinking and engage with technology to become life-long learners and respected members of the community who take responsibility for their decisions .
A school dedicated to collaborative teamwork and best instructional practices through the use of a viable curriculum.