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North Mason School District

Basic Information
Address: 71 E. Campus Drive, Belfair, WA 98588
Phone Number: 360-277-2300
Fax Number: 360-277-2320
Superintendent: David Peterson
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Member Schools: Belfair Elementary, Sand Hill Elementary, Hawkins Middle School, HomeLink, North Mason High School, PACE Adademy
Board of Directors: Laura Boad, President (District 3); Art Wightman, Vice President (District 1); George Fouts, District 2; John Campbell, District 4; and District 5 is vacant. a. Elections are being held this year for District 2 and District 5. Each position has only one candidate. They will take office in December, 2014.
Mission Statement:
The North Mason School District, together with our community, educates, empowers, and inspires all students.
District Characteristics: The North Mason School District is situated in Belfair, Washington in the beautiful Hood Canal of the Puget Sound. The majority of the school district is contained within Mason County boundaries, but also includes a portion of Kitsap County near the tri-lakes area of Mission, Tiger and Panther Lakes. There are 7 public school districts in Mason County, with North Mason being the second largest, with just over 2,200 students. The district is considered progressive in its rural setting which covers 129 square miles of forested countryside, bordered by saltwater shorelines. The nearby Cascade Mountain Range, lend a spectacularly scenic backdrop to the lush green trees and blue waters of the Kitsap Peninsula that is admired by all who are fortunate enough to live here.
The school district is made up primarily of one high school (NMHS), one middle school (Hawkins) and two elementary schools (Belfair and Sand Hill). There is also an alternative high school ( P.A.C.E. ) which provides a quality education program for non-traditional learners. In order to reach the growing population of home-school families, the district also has the HomeLink program which incorporates public school education within the home-school based setting.
North Mason is especially proud of its status as a nationally recognized leader in environmental education, as well as the significant numbers of students that partipate in arts, athletics, advanced technology and college-prep courses. High school students participate in hands-on instruction at the Mary E. Theler Wetlands and elementary students participate in salmon rearing each year.
Belief Statements:
The North Mason School District’s motto is “To Educate, Empower, and Inspire All Students.” Our stated goal is for all students to meet or exceed high academic standards by acquiring the knowledge and skills essential for success on state and national assessments, in post-secondary education, the world of work, and citizenship. The motto comes from our district’s strategic plan, developed with the participation of over one hundred community members and many staff. While the motto is simple to remember, it is an enormously difficult task.
In response to our community’s vision, we are working to improve student performance in core subjects while protecting our liberal arts values of educating “the whole child.” We are finding ways to increase services to students and families while being conservative stewards of taxpayer money. Staff members are helping students master a much stronger set of basic skills as well as becoming independent, complex thinkers able to keep up with a dynamic world. In North Mason, we have many positive efforts already in place or underway. More improvement is necessary. This will not be easy.
Key Work
1. Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum. A “guaranteed” curriculum is one in which the Board-adopted instructional program is faithfully delivered in every classroom across the district. While teachers need great flexibility in HOW to instruct and respond to the needs of their students, there must be great consistency in WHAT is taught and learned. A “viable” curriculum is one in which there is actually time available to teach everything well enough for students to master the material. Many studies have shown that, in order to teach everything in our state standards and in all of our textbooks, we would need 10 hours a day for 220 school days. For this reason, we are developing clear standards for what is absolutely essential, making certain we have allocated enough time to teach and learn it.
2. Highly Effective Instructional Practices in Every Classroom Every Day: We are building the supports and providing the materials and training to make certain that every child receives excellent instruction in every classroom, every day. In strong partnership with the North Mason Education Association (teachers’ union), we are developing a much stronger accountability and evaluation system, with expectations for teaching that are higher, and clearer, than ever before. As obvious as it seems, we must focus on the fact that high levels of student learning are the direct result of excellence in teaching.
3. Collaboration that Improves Student Learning: Research is showing us that the most effective and fastest way to improve student learning is by having teachers work together, in highly structured ways, to develop lessons, develop common assessments, analyze student results, and plan together for constant improvement. Professional Learning Communities, relentlessly focusing on improving student outcomes, is a key to our improvement.
4. Whole Child Student Supports: We accept the moral obligation to research and implement social, emotional and academic supports that are most vital in mitigating the factors that place students at risk of failure. Good classroom instruction alone cannot fully compensate for the barriers to learning that many children bring to school Our job is to find the right strategies and the right approaches that assure learning.
5. Leadership that Improves Staff and Student Success: Every evaluation of effective schools demonstrates the clear importance of effective leadership. This is true at the school level and at the district level. Research shows us that there is a specific set of responsibilities of leaders that lead to improved student learning, and our leadership practices must be aligned with this knowledge.
6. Support Systems Promote Student Success and Community Pride. We are committed to continuing to earn our reputation as a good steward of community and district resources, and in using our funds wisely to have facilities the meet student and community needs. We further commit that our schools will operate, always, in ways that build community pride.
The North Mason School District is committed to high levels of success for every student. Each school has a focused, detailed School Success Plan to improve student learning and family engagement. Teachers are engaged in Professional Learning Communities to focus on improving student results, and responding effectively when students struggle. Our curriculum teams are building greater focus and accountability into our programs. We are collecting, analyzing and using achievement data in new and powerful ways. We are on the move!
With our community, we are working to make sure our facilities are good places to learn. With families, we watch over student health and nutrition and make sure students arrive at school ready to learn and deliver them safely home. With the community supported local school levy, we offer enriched education for our highest performers, our struggling students, our athletes, our artists, and our performers. For any of us to succeed, all of us must be successful.
Together, we can create a world class school system for our students and for ourselves. I am excited to walk beside you as we become THE place to live, learn, and work.
Thank you for your support, guidance, and shared commitment to our kids.
David Peterson, Superintendent
Organization Goals: A. Each school and the district will make annual improvements in the State Board of Education Student Achievement Index. Areas will include:
o An increased percent of students will graduate annually, and fewer will drop out of school, with a district-wide target of 90% (94% for NMHS) on time graduation and 95% extended graduation
o An increased percentage of students will meet standard on state assessment components with a improvement in our performance relative to comparable districts
o A continuously decreasing percentage of students will score at Level 1 of state assessments
o A continuously increasing percentage of students will score at Level 4 of state assessments
o The achievement gap, based on disaggregated data, will be annually reduced
B. A decreasing percentage of high school students will be assigned D or F grades, without reducing proficiency standards, with a targeted passing rate of 90% for all classes.
C. An increased percentage of high school students take AP and other advanced courses, and score 3 or higher on an AP exam, with a target of 100 3+ scoring AP exams each year.
D. An increased percentage of K-8 students perform achieve expected growth or better on the Measure of Academic Progress and other appropriate exams, with a target of 90%.
E. The percentage of students referred to and assigned to special education will decrease, with a target of no more than 12% of students identified as special education.
F. Fewer than 360 instructional days lost, district-wide, to disciplinary actions.
G. Average daily attendance will exceed 90%, with an unexcused absence rate of less than 5%.
H. An increased percentage of students will participate in clubs, activities and athletics.
I. Healthy Youth Survey results show improvement in school affiliation, sense of being cared for, safety and belonging, enjoyment in school, and healthy choices.
J. Annually, 20% of ELL students shall transition out of program.
K. A decreasing number of resident students attend school out of district, and an increasing number of out-of-district students will apply to attend NMSD.
Vision Statement: North Mason School District (NMSD) graduates every student academically prepared to confidently and productively meet future challenges.
All students are engaged in, and take responsibility for, their own learning, preparing them to compete at international levels.
Learning is effectively led by a highly competent, caring teaching staff in classes with small class size. Academic contact time is maximized.
Each student benefits from a safe and supportive learning environment that meets their individual needs while promoting growth and enrichment.
Support services (transportation, buildings & grounds, office support, etc.) are courteous, well organized and efficiently support instruction.
The NMSD governing Board of Directors leads by providing policy direction and oversight focused on student achievement.
The District is led by an effective, respectful and courteous administrative team.
All North Mason School District employees are valued and recognized for their role as educators.
Parents actively support and participate in the education of their children.
Our community (students, staff, parents & community members) is engaged with and supports our school system. An active communication system keeps our students, parents, staff and community members involved.
The North Mason School District and our community form a successful educational partnership dedicated to developing citizens for tomorrow!