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Park County School District Re-2
Basic Information
Address: P.O. Box 189, 640 Hathaway St., Fairplay, CO 80440
Phone Number: 719-836-3114
Fax Number: 719-836-2575
Email: bminnis@parkcountyre2.org
Superintendent: Becky Minnis
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Member Schools: Edith Teter Elementary, South Park Middle School, South Park High School, Guffey Community Charter School, and Lake George Charter School
Board of Directors: Larry Falk, President; Beth Burke, Vice President; Sue Linton, Secretary/Treasurer; Carmela Schweer; Steve Rzepka; Mike Smith; and Amy Mason.
Mission Statement:
Park County Re-2 Schools shall strive to provide a safe environment, meaningful opportunities and innovative educational programs for all students so that they may reach their learning potential, including that they meet or exceed state and district content standards, through partnership between home, school and the community.
Accreditation and Recognition: Accredited with Distinction
District Characteristics: We moved into our new middle/high school facility in April, 2012, and into our new elementary school facility in November, 2012. Lake George Charter School moved into its new facility in August, 2012.
School Municipalities: Town of Fairplay
Notable Alumni:
We have a new offsite athletic facility with a new football/soccer field with synthetic turf.
Athletics: Full 1-A athletic program with 8-man football, baseball, track, basketball, volleyball
We offer a full curriculum based on the Commor Core Standards, as well as online classes.
Rural location with small classes. We are on a 4-day school week (Monday - Thursday)
Scholastic Perfomance: Above state average on state assessments
Failing Schools: None
Delay/Closing Information: Posted on the District website and announced on local and metropolitan radio and TV news stations
A.P. Classes: Many science and math AP classes
Transportation: Bus services
Libraries: Library in the Midway Building
After School/Extracurricular Programs: Club soccer, Knowledge Bowl, Destination Imagination
Media (TV/Radio) Shows: N/A
Computer Capabilities:
Every classroom has a Mimio Projector for the teacher to use for instruction. We have an elementary computer lab and 2 mobile lab cars for use in the middle and high schools.
Support Services:
Full service department of special education services.
Juvenile/At-Risk Student Programs: Alternative Program for grades 6 - 12