Melissa Corp

Melissa Corp Logo

Basic Information

Address: 22382 Avenida Empresa Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Phone Number: 800-635-4772
Person of Contact: Greg Brown

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Melissa's Data Quality and Identity Verification solutions fights dirty data in your Salesforce®, Microsoft Dynamics CRM®, or Oracle CRM and ERP and other customer applications and platforms by verifying, standardizing, correcting and appending your customer contact data records. The result - clean, vibrant, valuable data you can use for squeaky clean omnichannel marketing and sales success.
• Autocomplete, verify and correct contacts before they enter the CRM
• Add valuable demographic and geographic (lat/long coordinates) information for effective targeting and segmentation
• Keep contacts clean and up-to-date with change of address processing to improve student communications
• Verify identity with name to address validation, biometrics and document scanning for fast, accurate onboarding