Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter

Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1925 Century Blvd., NE, Ste.10 Atlanta, GA 30345
Phone Number: (404)728-1181
Fax Number: (404)636-9768
Director: Mia Chester

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Alzheimer's disease
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Ages for Volunteer: 13 and up
Hours of Service: 8:30 am-5:00 pm
Minimum Hours Required: N/A
Days of Service: Monday-Friday, Some weekends
Mission Statement:

To Eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research and promotion of brain health, and to enhance care and support for all individuals, their families and caregivers.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Our vision is a a without Alzheimer's disease.

Additional Information:


Dates/Times:                         Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00 (volunteer may work any
                                    number of days, 1 or more hours—whatever time you have
                                    available on a scheduled basis, however many days a week
                                    or a month). 
Location:                   Alzheimer’s Association, GA Chapter Office
                        1925 Century Blvd., NE, Suite 10
                        Atlanta, GA   30345-3315
Job Duties:                 Under the general supervision of the Programs & Services Administrator, the volunteer will perform the following tasks:
·         Packet Creation—Helpline, Safe Return Training, Educational Classes
·         Copying materials for inclusion in packets
·         Assembling packets
·         Filing, sorting, shredding
·         Volunteer Orientation/Training
·         On-the-Job Training with Supervisor