Brandywine Zoo

Brandywine Zoo  Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1001 North Park Drive, Wilmington, DE 19802
Phone Number: 302-571-7850
Fax Number: 302-577-7480

Action Shots

Brandywine Zoo
Brandywine Zoo
Brandywine Zoo
Brandywine Zoo

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Background Check: Yes
Ages for Volunteer: Ages 13 and up!
Mission Statement:

The Brandywine Zoo's programs enhance and enrich peoples' understanding and respect of the complex relationships among all living things and inspire wildlife conservation.

Additional Information:

The Brandywine Zoo invites people ages 13 and up to become part of a growing, committed group of volunteers who make a difference in the lives of people, animals, and our environment. For more information on the Brandywine Zoo's Volunteer Program please visit