Neighborhood Farm Initiative

Neighborhood Farm Initiative  Logo

Basic Information

Address: 725 15th St NW Washington, DC 20005
Phone Number: 847 989 2347
Director: Bea Trickett

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Food security, sustainable agriculture, nutrition education
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Ages for Volunteer: 12-100
Mission Statement:

The Neighborhood Farm Initiative cultivates a resourceful community of adults and teenagers working together to engage in small-scale food production in the Washington, D.C. area.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

NFI aims to improve underutilized public green spaces by creating demonstration gardens for hands-on community-wide gardening education, thereby increasing access to fresh vegetables for all members of our community, regardless of income.

Our Goals:
Serve as an educational resource on small scale organic food production for DC-area residents
Increase access to nutritious fresh vegetables for underserved neighborhoods and communities
Increase the number of organic gardeners in Washington, D.C., leading to more outdoor activities and healthier lifestyles
Build capacity and skills of youth and adults seeking work in urban food production
Promote connections and foster relationships between and among individuals, garden communities, and land-use agencies
Improve unused or under-utilized public green space in Washington, D.C., preserving and protecting undeveloped land

Program History:

More information on our programs is available on our website:


You can find an updated list of events here: