Play Rugby USA

Play Rugby USA Logo

Basic Information

Address: 520 8th avenue, Floor 2 New York New York 10018
Phone Number: 212 563 3250
Fax Number: 212 563 4046
Director: Mark Griffin

Action Shots

Play Rugby USA
Play Rugby USA
Play Rugby USA
Play Rugby USA

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Youth Development Sports Education health wellness anti obesity anti gang
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: primarily inner city under served youth
Ages for Volunteer: 21+
Hours of Service: Dependant upon program
Minimum Hours Required: N/A
Days of Service: We run programs on everyday of the week
Mission Statement:

Strengthen youth character, conditioning, community and academic commitment by integrating the core values of rugby into a distinct and inclusive team sports experience

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

The Play Rugby USA program’s philosophy is to “Develop Youth through Rugby.” As an innovative program Play Rugby USA cleverly combines rugby with sports education, health, academic and community development programming to create a holistic and asset based approach to youth development. Underlying the program’s success is the establishment of sustainable partnerships with urban schools and youth organizations, creating a systemic opportunity for youth during or after school.

Program History:

Founded by former National Rugby Team player Mark Griffin in 2003, the program was established as a weekend club to bring the benefits of rugby-themed youth development to boys and girls of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. The first group of Play Rugby USA participants in 2004 were 75 children from a homeless shelter in Brooklyn. The program was subsequently piloted in five schools during late 2005 and since its full time inception in 2006 has grown into a comprehensive youth development and sports education curriculum delivered in well over 100 schools and community based organizations in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston and Washington D.C. The program has received recognition and endorsement from a number of organizations and individuals including Mayor Bloomberg, the NYC Sports Commission, Hillary Clinton, the New York State Assembly, the New York City Department of Education, Philadelphia School District, USA Rugby, DC Children and Youth Investment Trust, Beyond Sports, and the Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation for example. In 2007, Play Sports for Life founder Mark Griffin received the National Council of Youth Sports’ Hershey’s STRIVE Award as National Administrator of the Year for pioneering such a unique youth development experience that could be replicated nationally.


Play Rugby USA holds numerous events throughout the year including but not limited to borough based scrimmages and leagues for participating students, advanced player clinics and camps, community days opening up the program to the entire community. We also hold a number of fundraising events each year as well as the Mayors Cup Rugby Festival in the first week of June - which is the largest non contact rugby festival in NYC.