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Share, Inc

Basic Information
Address: PO Box 1209 Vancouver, WA 98666
Phone Number: 360-750-4436
Fax Number: 360-735-9982
Email: volassist@sharevancouver.org
Director: Susan Oberst Director of Volunteers
Additional Information
Causes Served: Homelessness & Hunger
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Homeless and low income
Ages for Volunteer: 8 and up
Hours of Service: flexible
Minimum Hours Required: flexible
Days of Service: flexible
Mission Statement:
To lead the hungry and homeless to self-sufficiency by providing food, shelter, housing, education and compassion through the strength of our community.
Fire in the Park. July 21, 2012 Fourth annual Vancouver Firefighters fundraiser to benefit Share.
Events Include:
• Fire Fighter Competition
• Chili Cook-off
• Children’s Event Area
• NW Regional Fire Pipe & Drum Bands
• Fire Apparatus Display
• Featured Smokin’ Band: Patrick Lamb, 6 to 9 p.m.
Taste some chili and you’ll be eligible to vote for the Peoples Choice Best Fire House Chili & Booth and the Peoples Choice Best Restaurant Chili & Booth ($1 per tasting cup).
3 on 3 basketball fundraiser to benefit Share. August 17-19, 2012
Additional Information:
Hoops on the River: Volunteers are needed for Hoops on the River event in August. Volunteers would be helping run the event in coordination with the referees, staff and volunteer coordinator. No special skills are needed, just a willingness to be flexible and reliable. Volunteers maybe keeping score, (using flip charts), signing in teams, helping with contests or montioring hospitality room. Volunteers will be scheduled for 2-3 hour timeslots, however we are flexible if volunteers need less or more time.
Date: August 17-19
Time: 8AM-5PM
Meal Prep and Serve: Volunteers are also need to prepare and serve meals at the family shelters. This is a 4-7pm time commitment. Volutneers are needed to provide a kids activity at our family shelters.
Time frame is 4-5:30 or 7-8PM.
Date: ongoing
Volunteers are needed for our summer lunch program starting in June. Volunteers would be preparing and serving breakfast and lunch or preparing lunches and delivering to participating locations.
Time frame: 8:30-1PM
Date: June 27-August 17
Volunteers prepare food for children who are part of the free or reduced lunch program at area schools.Currently we are filling 1300 bags for 62 schools. Volunteers fill bags and deliver to schools.
Time frame: 8:30-10:30 once a week.
All volunteers are asked to fill out a volunteer application. Please refer to the website . There are applications available in the "Volunteer and How to Help" drop down menu.