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Store To Door
Basic Information
Address: 1821 University Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone Number: 651-642-1892
Fax Number: 651-642-0916
Email: volunteers@storetodoor.org
Director: mary Jo Schifsky
Additional Information
Causes Served: Senior Citizens, Hunger, Community, Housing
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Senior Citizens
Ages for Volunteer: 18 and up or 16 and up with parental supervision
Hours of Service: Varies
Minimum Hours Required: 2 a week
Days of Service: Varies
Mission Statement:
Enhancing opportunities for aging adults to live independently.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Supporting a community where people age with dignity.
Program History:
Started in 1984 Store To Door has continually grown over the past 25 years! We are partnered with Cub Foods to deliver groceries to homebound senior citizens around the 7 county metro area. We now have 8 delivery vans, 1300 customers and make 18,000 deliveries a year! We depend on 600 volunteers a year to help shop for groceries at our five shopping locations and take customer grocery orders over the phone and enter them into our grocery order website.
Additional Information:
We are looking for volunteers! Choose one of our wonderful opportunities listed below:
Volunteer Order Taker
Pick your own schedule - evenings and weekends available. Call customers every other week for their orders and place their grocery order list in our ordering website. Each call takes about 30 minutes.