Basic Information

Address: 304 N Shields Ave Richmond, Va 23220
Phone Number: 804 928 1948
Director: Vickie McCormick

Action Shots


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Additional Information

Causes Served: international students, cultural and educational exchanges
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: All the US
Ages for Volunteer: 25 and older to host or participate as a volunteer local coordinator
Hours of Service: varies
Minimum Hours Required: what you are able to allow
Days of Service: Varies
Mission Statement:

CIEE, Council International Educational exchange, is a mission-driven, non-profit organization that helps people gain understanding, acquire knowledge and develop skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Change starts with you- opening your home and heart to an international exchange student. Allowing the opportunity for a student to discover America through your eyes.

Program History:

The CIEE USA High School program brings over1,400 international students to communities across the US each year. CIEE is the longest and largest running sponsor of exchange programs in the US.


CIEE volunteer local coordinators help find and secure host families, oversee the students during their stay, becoming mentors. Participating in events that the students and/or families attend sharing various experiences of the American culture.

Additional Information:

Enjoy getting involved as a volunteer local coordinator and receive a stipend and invitations to national and international meetings. Learn about a different culture, its values and traditions, language, food and more.