Isla Vista Adopt-A-Block

Isla Vista Adopt-A-Block Logo

Basic Information

Address: 961 Embarcadero Del Mar Goleta, CA
Phone Number: 805-968-2017
Fax Number: 805-968-2829
Director: Adam Porte

Action Shots

Isla Vista Adopt-A-Block
Isla Vista Adopt-A-Block
Isla Vista Adopt-A-Block
Isla Vista Adopt-A-Block

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Street cleaning
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Population Served: 24,000
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: 9am-5pm
Minimum Hours Required: 1
Days of Service: Monday-Saturday
Mission Statement:

Adopt-A-Block provides simple ways for volunteers to make a significant impact on the Isla Vista environment through cleanups, outreach and education.

Program History:

There are too many cars in Isla Vista to have assigned street sweeping days so Adopt-A-Block was created in 1996 because of the need to keep the streets clean from waste and litter to prevent it from reaching the waterways and ocean. Isla Vista relies solely on volunteers to remove all of the litter that accumulates between the car and the curb.


California Coastal Clean-up Day
Day of Caring