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Magnolia Hospice

Basic Information
Address: 1250 E Copeland Rd, Suite 260, Arlington, TX 76011
Phone Number: 888.976.0788
Fax Number: 214.624.6939
Director: Tonya Eisenhauer
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Causes Served: Elderly, end of life
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: hospice patients facing end-of-life, or fewer than 6 months to live, veterans
Ages for Volunteer: all ages. children under 16 must volunteer with a parent
Hours of Service: after orientation approximately 1 hour a week
Minimum Hours Required: 6 month commitment
Days of Service: flexible days and times
Mission Statement:
To participate as an active part of the community, in providing and continuously improving the Hospice care needs of the patient by delivering value driven, high quality compassionate care.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
We believe each employee/volunteer is a valuable team member and extremely important to this agency. Therefore we are committed to positive employee/volunteer relations and to providing staff with positive guidance, adequate policies and supplies.
We believe in the importance of caring for each patient with honesty, respect and dignity by adapting to the needs of each patient and providing individualized care.
Additional Information:
Do you have an hour a week to befriend someone with a terminal diagnosis? Many hospice patients have outlived their family and friends or have very little support at the end of their life.
Did you see the story on FB about the 90 year old woman who left a note asking her neighbor to be her friend? It was heart wrenching to me. Her note said:
"...Would you consider to become my friend? I am 90 years old - live alone and all my friends have passed away. I am so lonesome and scared."
There is no greater gift than the gift of presence. Someone to walk beside. We offer training and then assign you a patient that lives near you. Most of our volunteers visit their patients once a week for about an hour. Volunteers visit, read, play games, play music, etc. No hands on care, just being a friend. If you are interested please email to hold a spot in our next training. Our only criteria is that you not have a personal loss in the last 12 months. Thank you for having the heart to serve others.
E-mail teisenhauer@MagnoliaHospice.com or call Tonya at 888.976.0788
* According to AAMC, Hospice Volunteering is one of 5 acceptable alternative ways to "gain clinical exposure and demonstrate the necessary skills sought in future doctors."