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Home | National Directories | Organizations | Hearing Loss Association of America Kentucky Home Chapter |
Hearing Loss Association of America Kentucky Home Chapter

Basic Information
Address: P. O. Box 882
2000 Shannon Drive
Bardstown, KY 40004-0882
Phone Number: (502) 349-6792
Email: info@hearinglosskyhome.org
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
President: Doug Hubbard
Service Description: We are a self-help organiztion that provides information, advicacy and support.
Mission Statement:
The Mission of HLAA is to open the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support and advocacy.
Membership Fee: Programs and information are Free and open to the public. HLAA National Membership is $35-$45. Complimentary HLAA Membership for Veterans (New Members ONLY)
Eligibility Requirements: People with a hearing loss and those around them.
Area Served: HLAA Ky Chapters are in Bardstown, Louisville, Lexington and Bowling Green. HLAA National has chapters throughout the country.
Hours of Operation/Schedule: Meetings and programs are listed on our website.
Services Offered:
Information and referral
Information and referral
The four KY Chapters have meetings monthly with a speaker on an aspect of hearing loss.
Conferences/Speakers: Every year HLAA National presents a convention. 2015 will be in St Louis in June. Go to www.hearingloss.org for more information.
Every two years the HLAA-KY Chapters present a conference in Louisville. 2015 will be in the Fall. www.hlaa-ky.org
Fundraisers: HLAA-KY Home Chapter is using Kroger's Community Awards program. Information is on www.hearinglosskyhome.org
Support Groups: Monthly meetings
It has been said that because someone invented a wheel, we drive cars. Rocky Stone, SHHH/HLAA founder, lost his hearing. He began a search to deal with living with hearing loss. He invited friends into his home to discuss their efforts and feelings. Then, in 1979, he incorporated Self-Help for Hard of Hearing People, SHHH (the wheel). Since that time, the organization has grown to an international entity with a worldwide impact. In the United States, we are 14 state organizations and 200 chapters (the car). He lost his hearing, and we learn to ask what others are doing to cope, share strategies and support each other through programs and social activities. HLAA-KY Home was chartered in Bardstown, KY in August 2009. Our HLAA-Kentuckiana Chapter was Chartered in 1988.
Detailed Organization Information:
Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) is a non-profit, self-help group dedicated to education, advocacy and support for people who do not hear well and those around them. * We are the nation's leading organization representing people with hearing loss. * As a self-help group, we assist each other in learning how to adjust to living with hearing loss. * HLAA is working to eradicate the stigma associated with hearing loss. * We are raising public awareness about the need for prevention and the importance of regular hearing screening. * Our advocacy impacts communication access, public policy, research, public awareness, and service delivery. * Our work at the national office impacts legislation and FCC regulations. * We provide timely and reliable information through our websites, Hearing Loss Magazine, e-news, the Academy of Hearing Loss Support Specialists, chat forums and our annual convention.