Harvest of Dreams

Harvest of Dreams Logo

Basic Information

Grade Level: K-5
Address: Warren School 21 Sackett Hill Road Warren, CT 06754
Person of Contact: Alisa Wright
Phone Number: 860-868-2223
Fax Number: 860-868-7375

Action Shots

Harvest of Dreams
Harvest of Dreams
Harvest of Dreams

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Student Size: 100 students, K - 6
Student/Teacher Ratio: 1 - 15
Number of Teachers: 7
Funding: Donations, Grants
Gardens (Sq. Feet): 620
Program Highlights:

Since the spring of 2002, Warren School's Harvest of Dreams garden has not only been a wonderful way to target many curricula objectives, but it provides the opportunity for students to truly get involved in being stewards of their environment. Students, staff, families and community play an active role in the success of the garden. Sixth grade students germinate and nurture the seeds in the class growlab; provide garden lessons to each class to explain the history of the garden and to demonstrate sowing seeds, germination secrets, and transplanting; coordinates a whole school planting day; and harvests, prepares and hosts our school's annual Harvest Luncheon. We hold an annual schoolwide cook-off in which each class prepares a dish featuring a chosen vegetable and our prized veggies are submitted to a local fair for judging. The Families of Warren School have demonstrated a commitment and dedication to our school/community outreach garden, Harvest of Dreams. Throughout the summer, families maintain the garden through watering / harvesting / and transporting the produce to area soup kitchens and food banks. They have been an integral part to the success of our garden since its inception in 2002. It is due to this commitment from the students, staff, families and community that our garden is able to enrich the lives of so many.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead

Program History:

2002 - present

Volunteer Participation: Staff, students, families and community
Program Information:

Come on by.....we'd be happy to provide you with a tour and overview of our garden.