Immanuel Lutheran School Garden Club

Basic Information

Grade Level: K-5, 6-8
Address: 154 Meadow St. Bristol, Ct 06010
Person of Contact: Roze Stockman
Phone Number: 860-583-8325

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Student Size: 20
Student/Teacher Ratio: 2 adults 20 children
Number of Teachers: 2
Hours/Week: 1
Funding: Sales, Grants
Gardens (Sq. Feet): 1st-24 2nd-60 3rd-45 4th-20
Program Highlights:

Our school garden club meets once a month. We do a special activity, depending on the season, at each meeting.For example, in the fall we might press flowers. In the early spring we plan the gardens. In May, we plant the flowers that have been growing in growlabs in 4 of our classrooms. We also take one field trip a year, for example, to a nursery or to Home Depot.

Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to allow children to learn about how plants grow, to plant the seeds and then get in the dirt and put the plants in the ground. We also teach about plants by baking or cooking, by playing games and having guest speakers.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Children love to do things with their hands! We let them plant seeds, watch them grow inside, and plant them outside!

Program History:

We started this program at our school about 15 years ago. We got a grant and got many bulbs and tools and planted our first garden. We have since added 3 more.

Volunteer Participation: Sometimes parents help.
Program Information:

 We have done fundraisers with Dutch Bulbs.  We have to get topsoil, composted manure, fertilizer, etc. to improve the soil.  We also get mulch.