Library Fundraiser: Bring out of school children to school

Library Fundraiser: Bring out of school children to school Logo

Basic Information

Address: 86713
Phone Number: +254786808882
Director: Jonathan Munyany

Action Shots

Library Fundraiser: Bring out of school children to school

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: education
Population Served: school children
Ages for Volunteer: N/A
Hours of Service: optional
Minimum Hours of Service Required: N/A
Days of Service: optional
Languages: English, Swahili
Languages used as a Medium: English, Swahili
Experience Required:


Programs Open To: all year round
Travel Arrangements:


Participants Work: Fundraising
Application Process:

Request Jonathan Munyany to send you application form

Visa Requirements:


Program Highlights:

Our Project: Library

The project ''Bring 'out-of-school' children to school'' is underway promoting education to less privileged children and orphans. It looks to make education accessible by giving library space to allow learning/passing to take place.

The population of children in the surrounding area grew significantly in 2016- 2017. This has led to higher imbalance in stationary to students ratio.

Mission Statement:

To bring out of school children to school 

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Together we can

Program History:

The project ''Bring 'out-of-school' children to school'' is underway promoting education to less privileged children and orphans. It looks to make education accessible by giving teaching services and basic space to allow learning/teaching to take place.

The population of children in the surrounding area grew significantly in 2016- 2017. This has led to higher imbalance in student to classrooms ratio

Additional Information:

By bringing out-of-school children to school, we hope to reduce involuntary marriages, illiteracy prevalence, child prostitution, drug abuse, early marriages/pregnancies, joblessness and social crimes down by 60% by 2023 and make communities self sustainable and sufficient by 2030. Between January-March 2018 we have lost 42 students into streets due to lack of library/sttaionary in 2015-2017 that is why we need volunteers/interns helping hands! We need to bring balance and stop.