Volunteer World Guatemala

Volunteer World Guatemala Logo

Basic Information

Address: Volunteer World GmbH Ronsdorfer Str. 77a 40233 Düsseldorf
Phone Number: +49 - 211 - 41 60 49 83

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Program Highlights:

Volunteer in Guatemala and discover a truly fascinating country. The volcano-studded horizons, lush forests and stunning coastlines are home to a great diversity of plants and animals. But not only that, the culture is just as rich and colorful: a true mix of elements from native Maya people and Spanish colonialism give this country its unique character.

Volunteering in Guatemala is just as diverse as the country itself. If you come from a medical background, work for a healthcare project. Do you prefer volunteering with children? Become an English teaching volunteer at a local school or orphanage in Guatemala.