All Recent Lesson Plans

Learning Rhythms and Note Durations

Class: Music Theory

Unit: Rhythm

Teacher: Mr. G

Understanding Story Elements

Objective/Purpose:            SWBAT create a plot mountain for their independent novel

                                    SWBAT breakdown the novel into the component parts

Reading Comprehension

5th Grade Modified ELA

Non-fiction Unit




What is a Fairy Tale

What is a Folk Tale?


Grade Level(s): 2

Time: 25-45 minutes depending on length of Folk Tale and need to repeat or explain.

Standard: 2-1.8 Classify works of fiction (including fables, tall tales, and folktales) and works of nonfiction (including biographies) by characteristics.

Tin Punch Ornament

Tin Punch


Media: Metal working


Hi-Interest Short Story

It Happened on a  Friday: Jacob Caldon is a fun-loving, popular jock who discovers that one inappropriate touch in the hallway may cost him everything. This free download also includes a vocabulary guide and sample multiple choice questions with answers. 

Peace One Day Education


Using Peace Day 21 as a focus, there are 21 lesson-plans covering topics such as:

Ending-bullying, Respect, Conflict Resolution, Intercultural Cooperation, the United Nations as well as the link between sustainability and peace.

Cool exercise for scientific notation and significant figures

Name____________________  Date_____________________                                      

worksheet for significant figures and scientific notation.